The founding members of Derby West Indian Community Association (DWICA) have passed away, and the last of the Windrush generation are reaching retirement age, but although some faces may have changed, DWICA continues to support the most vulnerable in its community - particularly the oldest and youngest.
DWICA has adapted to support its members during the cost of living crisis by providing a warm hub with free hot meals. DWICA supported members with claims to Derby City Council’s Household Support Fund and Energy Support Schemes - helping with the costs of food and household bills.
DWICA has a Windrush Case Worker supported by the Action for Race Equality, Windrush Justice Programme. and develops events each year to celebrate Windrush in June. In 2023 this event celebrates Windrush 75.
Big Lottery funded DWICA’s Stronger Together Project, which provided staff capacity essential to the early ideas stages of this project. Big Lottery continues to support the Even Stronger Together project – enabling DWICA to employ two paid Project Officers and an Administrator.
Oral Histories

British History Is Our History, Amal Hudson, 2021
This piece of art takes the viewer through the decades and highlights the struggles and victories of the generation of Caribbean people who arrived following the docking of the Empire Windrush in 1948. Newspaper headlines and articles carry the stories of arrival, expectations and the realities they faced when trying to make Britain their home. The artwork shows the incredible effort Windrush generations made to help Britain through difficult times, and the contribution their children and grandchildren continue to make today.
DWICA, Windrush Community Fund Commission
Future Events
Caribbean Carnival
Read about DWICA's most popular event - the Derby Caribbean Carnival.