
Saturday School

In April 1975 at a DWIA members meeting, held at Pear Tree House, with 65 in attendance, 4 local schoolteachers gave a presentation, sharing with parents / members positive feedback on their child/ren educational progress.  however, welcome the support from DWIA to lobby for the full quota of teachers per school. DWIA executive started to develop plans to establish a Saturday Morning Club for young people to be held at Pear Tree House.  (the creation of DWIA Saturday school). 

1976 February - DWIA executive agreed to set up a sub-committee to look at educational and cultural projects By 1978 The Saturday school was formed by Mr F Best, Mr D. Luke, Mr G Mighty, Mr Bennett, Mr Harewood Mr P Miller and Ms J Underwood in partnership with Pear Tree Community Centre and Counselling Advisory Service (CAS ). The aim was to improve children reading, mathematic, English, and writing. Classes were free of charge for two hours 10.00am – 12.00 midday.  

1978 June - DWIA donated £25 (£166 today 2022) towards a weekend conference for young people at Lea Green, Matlock in early July. 

1980 November - Mr R Murray the Saturday School Project manager  (and DWIA  newsletter editor) explained to the DWIA management committee that project needed  evaluation, as he had concerns regarding staffing and attendance levels. As a result of a detailed project review discussion, it was agreed that changes needed to be made to ensure a good quality service was delivered. In short, a Saturday school review restructure and rebranding process. DWIA agreed to be the lead organisation to the development of the Saturday School underpinned by having a stable structure, an organised rota of volunteers and teachers would see a return to good attendance 

DWICA has continued developing projects over the years, in response to parents and young people needs, which has seen the development of the following current projects: - 

  • Youth Clubs 

  • Summer School  

  • Annual youth conference 

  • Caribbean carnival troupe